DBMS_FEATURE_USAGE is a set of packages and procedures produced by Oracle to check ( the clue is in the title ) about how whether particular features are in use, and usually, if a license fee is due.
It does this by running a set of checks and recording the output.
Over a couple of blog posts I will see if we can figure out how it works.
We will take a topical example, that of the In-Memory Option.
So : How does Oracle figure out one is using In-Memory ?
in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin are several scripts. The one we are interested in is
In this long piece of SQL ( 13000+ lines ) are procedures to check if anything from ASM to Exadata is in use.
So how does In-Memory Column Option get checked ?
Step forward
* The procedure to detect In-Memory Column Store usage
What does this do ?
It takes
'select count(*) from dba_tables where ' ||
'inmemory_compression is not null',
'select count(*) from dba_tab_partitions where ' ||
'inmemory_compression is not null'
'select count(*) from dba_tab_subpartitions where ' ||
'inmemory_compression is not null''select count(*) from gv$im_segments_detail where ' ||
( apparently to exclude in-memory journals )
Adds up the answer from the above 4 counts; if the number is > 0 then the feature is in use.
And as we now know that SQL is wrong; you cannot use In-Memory until the INMEMORY_SIZE parameter is set... and that SQL doesn't consider the setting of that parameter.
Yep .... darn it stealing my thunder for part 2 :;)
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