Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Setting Up Employee Self Service Mobile V2 - Part 3b EBS Screen Configurations.

Continuing our series we now move on to Part 3b, which is more E-Business Configuration

From the linked Tutorial Here Are the Steps :

  1. Enable the HR Absences Integration with OTL profile option.
    1. Navigate to System Administrator > Profile > System.
    2. Search for the profile HR: Absences Integration with OTL.
    3. Modify the site-level value to Yes.
    4. Save the change.
  1. Disable obsolete absence elements and absence types. The absence elements and absence types that are pre-seeded in OTM Vision Weekly payroll do not work well when Absences and OTL are integrated. So we need to disable these absence elements and absence types.
    1. Navigate to US OTL Application Developer, Vision Corporation > Alternate Names > Alternate Name Definition.
    2. Search for the Alternate Name Definition: Vision OTL Elements - Enabled.
    3. For Alternate Names: Paid Vacation and Sick Hours Taken, uncheck the Enabled checkbox.
    1. Save the changes.
    2. Navigate to US Super HRMS Manager, Vision Corporation > Total Compensation > Basic > Absence Types.
    3. Search for the following Absence Types - Sick Time and Vacation.
    4. End date both the absence types by entering the current date in the Effective Dates To field.
    5. Save the changes.

  2. Create absence elements
    1. Navigate to US Super HRMS Manager, Vision Corporation -> Total Compensation -> Basic -> Element Description.
    2. Create an element with the following information:
      • Name: Absence Sick Hours Taken
      • Reporting Name: Absence Sick Hours Taken
      • Primary Classification: Information
    3. Save the changes.
    1. Click Input Values.
    2. Add a row with the following values:
      • Name: Hours
      • Units: Hours in Decimal format (2 places)
    3. Save the changes and close the dialog.
    1. Click Further Information.
    2. In the dialog that opens up, for Category, enter Absence Hours and click OK.
    3. Click OK.

    4.   If are asked to choose between correcting existing information versus preserving history, choose to correct existing information.
    5. Save the changes.
    6. Add another absence element with the following information:
      • Name: Absence Paid Vacation
      • Reporting Name: Absence Paid Vacation
      • Primary Classification: Information
      • Input Values::
        • Name: Hours
        • Units: Hours in Decimal format (2 places)
      • Further Information:
        • Category: Absence Hours
    7. Save changes.
  3. Link absence element to payroll.
    1. Navigate to US Super HRMS Manager, Vision Corporation > Total Compensation > Basic > Link.
    2. For Element Name select one of the absence elements added above (for example, Absence Sick Hours Taken).
    3. Check Link To All Payrolls.
    4. Save the changes.
    5. Repeat these sub-steps for all the absence elements added earlier.
  4. Create absence types.
    1. Navigate to US Super HRMS Manager, Vision Corporation > Total Compensation > Basic > Absence Types.
    2. Add an absence type with the following information:
      • Name: Absence Sick Time
      • Category: Sickness
      • Associated Element::
        • Name: Absence Sick Hours Taken Click OK for the question This element may be processed by the Payroll Run - continue?
        • Units: Hours
        • Balance: Decreasing
        • Reasons: Compassionate Leave, Dental Appointment, Doctors Appointment, Illness, Sick
    1. Save the changes.
    2. Add another absence type with the following information:
      • Name: Absence Vacation
      • Category: Vacation
      • Associated Element::
        • Name: Absence Paid Vacation Click OK for the question This element may be processed by the Payroll Run - continue?
        • Units: Hours
        • Balance: Decreasing
        • Reasons: Vacation
    3. Save the changes.
  5. Create element set.
    1. Navigate to US Super HRMS Manager, Vision Corporation > Payroll > Element Set.
    2. Add an element set with the following information:
      • Name: PackagedApps Absence Elements
      • Type: Run Set
    3. Save the changes.
    4. Click Include Elements.
    5. Add the two elements: Absence Sick Hours Taken and Absence Paid Vacation.
  6. Generate flexfield mapping.
    1. Navigate to US OTL Application Developer, Vision Corporation > Process and Reports > Submit Process and Reports ( bug in original text ) 
    2. For the question What type of request do you want to run?, select Single Request and click OK.
    3. Fill in the following values:
      • Name: Generate Flexfield and Mapping Information
      • Parameters::
        • Delete Definitions?: No
        • Element Set: PackagedApps Absence Elements
        • Effective Date: today's date in the format 30-Sept-2016
        • Include Absence Information?: Yes

    1. Click OK and then Submit. For the question Submit another request? choose No.
    2. Navigate to US OTL Application Developer, Vision Corporation > Process and Reports > View Requests.
    3. Select All My Requests and click Find. The Generate Flexfield Mapping request should be shown. The Phase should be Completed and the Status should be Normal.

  1. Configure absence types.
    1. Navigate to US OTL Application Developer, Vision Corporation > Absence Integration Setup > Configure Absence Types.
    2. In the Element Set text field enter PackagedApps Absence Elements and click Go. The Absence Types associated with the element set should be displayed.
    3. For all the absence types listed, change the value in the Timecard Action Allowed column to View and Edit.
    1. Click Save.
    Note: After submitting the Generate Flexfield Mapping request for an element set, there might be a short delay before the element set is searchable on the Absence Integration Setup page.

  1. Set alternate name definitions.
    1. Navigate to US OTL Application Developer, Vision Corporation > Alternate Names > Alternate Name Definition.
    2. Search for Alternate Name Definition: Vision OTL Elements - Enabled.
    3. Add an alternate name with the following information:
      • Alternate Name: Sick
      • From: leave the current date as is
      • Values: Absence Sick Hours Taken
      • Enabled: Checked
    4. Add an another alternate name with the following information:
      • Alternate Name: Vacation
      • From: leave the current date as is
      • Values: Absence Paid Vacation
      • Enabled: Checked
    5. Save the changes.
Finally we need to 

Customize the Review Layout

To show the Comment and Location fields on the Review page of the app, we need to upload a customized definition for the review layout:
  1. From the terminal of the EBS instance, with the correct TNS connection identifier, execute the following command to load the LDT file Payroll_review_comments3.ldt (located in the selfservice-backend/EBS/seeded directory of the solution) into the system:
    FNDLOAD apps/apps@ 0 Y UPLOAD $HXC_TOP/patch/115/import/hxclaytlayoutsld.lct Payroll_review_comments3.ldt
[oracle@bd8bc7 ~]$ FNDLOAD apps/apps@EBSDB 0 Y UPLOAD $HXC_TOP/patch/115/import/hxclaytlayoutsld.lct ./Payroll_review_comments3.ldt
Log filename : L7535553.log

Report filename : O7535553.out
[oracle@bd8bc7 ~]$

Concurrent request completed successfully
Current system time is 12-OCT-2016 11:17:34


  1. Attach the new layout to the employee through OTL preferences:
    1. Navigate to US OTL Application Developer, Vision Corporation > Preferences > PackagedApps-Payroll > Timecard Layout > Preference Values.
    2. Modify Review Layout to Payroll Review Layout WC3 with Detail level comments and save.

That was a long and tedious process !  [[ PS where are the simple SQL for all this !!! ]]  Anyway its done now so let's move onto the next step, configuring EBS for ICS. 

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