In this short post I'll try and see if we can provide a sensible way of establishing the location of the alert log for an oracle database, one that works for 9i, 10g, and 11g.
The Oracle Alert log tells us what major events have happened to the Oracle database.
In times gone by this was a nice text formatted file that most Oracle DBAs knew how to read. In 11g this was changed to an XML formatted file, with the advent of the ADR which is a first stab at automating the management of the large quantity of detailed trace file that Oracle manages.
We won't go into the detail of the ADR here except to note that this is where the alert log hangs out in recent versions of Oracle.
To cope with the backlash of complaints of people who didn't want to read an XML formatted alert log, Oracle continue to write the traditional form of the log as well simultaneously. This is perfect for our purposes.
So this post will try and establish some ways that you can find the alert log.
Some initial problems you may run into
1: The database is down - if it is down, then obviously Oracle cannot tell you what the location is as SQLPLUS is down.
2. There are multiple alert logs - in a RAC database for example there are several alert logs, one for each instance
3. you don't have access to the file location - being a database user is no guarantee of being able to access the alert log file location (even being DBA may not be sufficient ! - depends on the sandbox the sysadmins have you in)
However it breaks down into two basic cases
Database is Up or Database is Down
Database is Up
If the database is Up we can ask it where it is writing the alert Log
- Assumptions
- User has access to SQLPLUS
- User has access to v$parameter
- user can issue SHOW PARAMETER
The alert log location we want to see can be found in a variety of ways.
*** UPDATED - FOR 12c this doesn't work any more !!! ***
Read to the end for 12c answer.....
*** UPDATED - FOR 12c this doesn't work any more !!! ***
Read to the end for 12c answer.....
Show Parameter Background_DUMP_DEST
SQL> show parameter background_dump_dest
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
background_dump_dest string /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/rep
So that is a location of the oracle alert log, works for all recent versions, 8i,9i,10g,11g
Of course this isn't easy to capture into a variable so why not
SQL> set linesize 300
SQL> column value format a300
SQL> select value from v$parameter where name='background_dump_dest';
So that is a location of the oracle alert log, works for all recent versions, 8i,9i,10g,11g
Which is a little easier.
Another way of getting pretty much the same thing is
( This one actually probes the ADR for the trace directory rather than looking at the legacy BDD - but only works in ADR databases - 11g and later )
SQL> select value from v$diag_info where name='Diag Trace';
So that is a location of the oracle alert log, works for 11g
These techniques work when the database is started NOMOUNT,MOUNT or OPEN .. but they do not work, of course, when the database is down, as mentioned above.
Database is Down
OK if the db is down how do we find the alert log ?
There are a number of ways to find the alert log.
Simple : search the operating system directories for it.
The alert log will be named alert_SID.log where SID is the SID of the instance ( thus a rac DB may have many alert logs, and a Data Guard pair will have two
if we assume our SID=REPO then by the above convention the alert log will be named alert_REPO.log
We will not go into how to find the SID here, we assume this is well known.
so we know the name of the file how do we search for it.
[oracle@oracloud3 /]$ find / -name alert_REPO.log 2>/dev/null
[oracle@oracloud3 /]$
We redirect STDERR to null because we don't want to read about all the stuff our Oracle account doesn't have access to.
Rather than do command line ( dir alert_repo.log /s ) just use the GUI to find the file, alternatively if that's not an option download and use something like Agent Ransack
OK so that's the simplistic method
What about a little more intelligence than that
If we were using an older database we used to be obliged to enter the BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST into the initialization parameter file ( PFILE )... so we could go and find that and see if it's there.
For this we need ORACLE_HOME envar set.
On Linux/Unix
on Windows
cd %ORACLE_HOME%/database
if a pfile is in use we will see it as initSID.ora, so following the above example it will be called initREPO.ora
we can then edit this using our favourite text editor to find the above variable and then we have the value.
OK ... but the current 11g, this doesn't work because
a) newer databases default to using an SPFILE ( binary version of the spfile )
b) The background dump dest variable is defaulted in 11g by the ADR so it does not need to be specified.
So in order to find the alert log we can try and put together a "where Oracle thinks it might put it " from analyzing the SPFILE.
In order to do this we take into account the following assumptions/axioms.
ADR Top level Directory is usually ORACLE_BASE/diag
RDBMS Logs are usually stored in ADR_base/rdbms
This is then broken down into DB_NAME/sid to take account of the fact that there may be a shared ADR directory tree across multiple instances of the same database ( i.e. RAC in some situations )
so we can complete the location of the alert log in 11g (Only )
This assumes a normally put-together database.
If you haven't bothered following an OFA architecture then you will probably be defaulted as per the manual
"Derived from the value of the
environment variable. If $ORACLE_BASE
is not set, then derived fromORACLE_BASE
as set by the Oracle Universal Installer. If ORACLE_BASE
is not set, then $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/log
is the default location "
PS to find DB_NAME and ORACLE_BASE we may need to look at the spfile
this is difficult to view as it is a binary file so let's look at 'strings spfileREPO.ora' to get what we want.
Hope that helps .... several different ways to get what you need.
12c ( answer : Background_dump_dest no longer useful as they have changed what that parameter is doing
$ORACLE_BASE/diag/rdbms/DB_NAME/SID/trace is still useful to find the alert log
core_dump_dest can be used to get close
core_dump_dest = /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/repo/REPO/cdump and then cd ../trace
It is an ongoing mystery why this is made difficult to find.
Here's a SQL script I wrote to find the alert log on Linux for 11g and 12c databases
set heading off pages 0 trimspool on lines 120 feedback off echo off
-- Chris Slattery November 2015
-- find the Alert Log Location in recent versions of Oracle 11g onwards
with DD (DDV) as (SELECT VALUE DDV FROM V$parameter WHERE NAME='diagnostic_dest'),
LCD (LCDV)as (select LOWER(value) LCDV FROM V$parameter WHERE NAME='db_name'),
INST (INSTV) as (select UPPER(value) INSTV FROM V$parameter WHERE NAME='instance_name')
select * from (select DDV||'/diag/rdbms/'||LCDV||'/'||INSTV||'/trace' from DD,LCD,INST ) where rownum= 1;
to run it
sqlplus -S "/ as sysdba" @get_alert_loc.sql
this is difficult to view as it is a binary file so let's look at 'strings spfileREPO.ora' to get what we want.
Hope that helps .... several different ways to get what you need.
12c ( answer : Background_dump_dest no longer useful as they have changed what that parameter is doing
$ORACLE_BASE/diag/rdbms/DB_NAME/SID/trace is still useful to find the alert log
core_dump_dest can be used to get close
core_dump_dest = /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/repo/REPO/cdump and then cd ../trace
It is an ongoing mystery why this is made difficult to find.
Here's a SQL script I wrote to find the alert log on Linux for 11g and 12c databases
set heading off pages 0 trimspool on lines 120 feedback off echo off
-- Chris Slattery November 2015
-- find the Alert Log Location in recent versions of Oracle 11g onwards
with DD (DDV) as (SELECT VALUE DDV FROM V$parameter WHERE NAME='diagnostic_dest'),
LCD (LCDV)as (select LOWER(value) LCDV FROM V$parameter WHERE NAME='db_name'),
INST (INSTV) as (select UPPER(value) INSTV FROM V$parameter WHERE NAME='instance_name')
select * from (select DDV||'/diag/rdbms/'||LCDV||'/'||INSTV||'/trace' from DD,LCD,INST ) where rownum= 1;
to run it
sqlplus -S "/ as sysdba" @get_alert_loc.sql
ls -lrt /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/repo/REPO/trace/alert_REPO.log
-rw-r-----. 1 oracle dba 164844 Nov 26 10:09 /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/repo/REPO/trace/alert_REPO.log
so that's OK
Note will be different on Windows etc but this should cover the majority of cases. Yes I know I am making assumptions with Lower and Upper
Hope this helps people ..
Hello Chris, I am not sure if you are a regular at this post, but I have a situation here. I ran the query which you have shared here and one of my sessions pct_wait_time is coming out to be 100. The same query completed in 2.5 hours in the previous run, this time round though it is running since last 8 hours. Do you have any pointers where and what should I look into ?
ReplyDeleteHi ! .... are you sure you are responding to the right blog post ? If you are can you please let me know which query you are referring to, because the ones listed above should be instantaneous to determine Alert log location.
ReplyDeleteThanks for clear explanation. But from Oracle 11G Onwards sometimes alert log location is outside the home directory.